
Happy Thanksgiving Week: A ‘Minor League Podcast’ for your road-tripping pleasure


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Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

We are a little light here on annual traditions at BaltimoreBaseball.com.

Technically, we’re only about 20 months old, so we’ve got some time to build our own traditions. And we’re trying.

So welcome to one that we intend to keep doing for years to come. It started last November, and we received good feedback.

So, back by popular demand, today is our (now annual) “Wednesday before Thanksgiving Minor League Podcast.”

Many of you are traveling today and/or tomorrow, and we thought we’d give you some Orioles’ talk to listen to as you drive or fly or take the train or whatever. Remember, you can listen to the podcast below on our site or you can download it on iTunes and listen whenever you want. This will be our primary post for today and tomorrow (unless major O’s news breaks).

In this episode, Adam Pohl, the voice of the Bowie Baysox and a self-proclaimed Thanksgiving lover, talks with BaltimoreBaseball.com’s minor league reporter, Dean Jones Jr., about the Orioles’ most recent 40-man roster decisions.

The club added right-handed pitchers Hunter Harvey and David Hess (pictured above) and catcher Austin Wynns while not adding infielder Steve Wilkerson and lefty Luis Gonzalez, among others – meaning they are now exposed to the Rule 5 draft.

Pohl, who has seen many of these guys play for a season or longer, and Jones, who has an unhealthy obsession with minor league baseball, give their opinions as to why and why not the decisions were made.

It’s an interesting discussion no matter the circumstance. But it’ll be even more interesting when you are stuck in traffic on I-95 or slumped in a chair at BWI.

So, give it listen and have a great and safe Thanksgiving.

And know all of us here at the site are thankful for how you have helped us grow these past 20 months.


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