Paul Folkemer

Revisiting AL East Position Rankings: Infield


At the start of the 2017 season, I attempted to compare the Orioles to their AL East opponents by ranking each team in the division at every position on the field.

Making predictions is a fool’s errand, as we all know. And making predictions about how five teams will rank at every position over the course of a season is even more foolish. You’re just going to look ridiculously wrong at the end of the year. If I were smart, I would never bring up those rankings again, and spare myself the embarrassment of being so wildly off-base.

But nobody ever accused me of being smart. So, without further ado, I’m going to revisit my April rankings and see just how much I missed the mark based on how the 2017 season turned out. I’ll also offer my final end-of-season rankings for each.

We’ll start today with the infield rankings (my April rankings can be found here).

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